Polyfiber Paint and Coating Systems


Product Support!

Please feel free to contact us for information about our products, instructions on using  products, or ordering by phone.
Ask for Jeff at 817-279-8045 or contact us by email at jeff@stits.com.

Product Manuals!

Over 150 pages of step-by-step instruction, helpful photos, and extra words of wisdom. And we’ve included our entire catalog of products, everything from fabrics to stirring paddles.  Available on our Secure Online Order site!

“Why should I use Poly-Fiber?”

  • Poly-Fiber is the only all-VINYL system on the market today. As it dries, it bonds extremely well to today’s polyester fabrics and remains flexible.
  • Poly-Fiber does not support combustion.
  • Poly-Fiber is one of the lightest systems available. Only eight coats are used. There are lightweight options, too.
  • Poly-Fiber is the most repairable of all systems available today, and the repairs are as strong as the original.
  • Poly-Fiber can be rejuvenated after years of weathering.
  • It has over 50 years of success as the Stits Poly-Fiber system. Many original jobs done 30 years ago are still going strong.
  • Poly-Fiber is not particularly sensitive to heat, cold, or humidity during application or throughout its service life.
  • Poly-Fiber offers choices in fabric weights and types of top coat paints. There are 50 top coat colors in Poly-Tone and Aero-Thane.
  • Poly-Fiber has options for every aircraft from a simple ultralight to the most sophisticated warbird.

Our goal is to provide you with the products you need to cover your airplane PLUS the clear concise instruction you need to use those products and complete the job.